JIMECA at the forefront

Since the beginning we have strived for the innovation and for the quality in every area of the organization, these are fundamental reasons for the growth and success in our Company. In JIMECA we have not only innovated in material resources, but also in human resources.

Innovators in Human Resources

JIMECA was the first Spanish Company to implement the 35-hour working day after carrying out a productivity study, in which the great difference of results in favor of this option was evident, to the detriment of the 40-hour working day.

Innovators in the field of production

JIMECA’s production process is fully robotized with state-of-the-art machinery and technology, which enables us to optimize resources while ensuring the highest quality, making us the main competitive reference in the sector.

Innovators in the products

Our technical and R & D departments have designed and developed our own products applying technical and technological improvements to modify the designs, the components, the features and performance of the product to suit your needs.